Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Fast and the Furry-Ous.

 Open Disclosure: This post is not about rabbits.

A while back, Tanner and I were visiting our neighborhood Blockbuster. I can't remember why I didn't want to go in (I think I may have been either sick, or tired), so I sent him in with the request that he rent Sherlock Holmes: Whatever the first RDJ movie is called. I'm not actually very fond of the first RDJ Sherlock, I feel like it does Conan Doyle's stories a gross injustice by not really staying true to the spirit of Sherlock.

I'm not saying it doesn't have entertainment value. RDJ is funny, and Jude Law, although not Watson, is some straight-up eye candy.

I wanted to watch it on that particular day, though, because Sherlock: Season 2 had not yet been released in the US, and I was going through Sherlock withdrawals. Sometimes, I get this thing where I want to watch movies that I hate because I get into the mood to watch them somehow. And then, after I finish watching them, it's like that morning-after feeling of What did I just DO?

I wouldn't know anything about that feeling, but I imagine that's how it feels. Anyway, I also told Tanner to pick up a movie that he wanted to watch. I know how much he likes the Patriot, so I suggested he get that.

(Mel Gibson scares me. But I love my husband.)

Anyway, a short time later, he returns to the car with two movies, neither of which are Sherlock Holmes #1. One of them was the Patriot, but the other was 2Fast, 2Furious.

I don't even remember how Tanner convinced me to watch the first one. I don't drink, so I don't have alcohol to blame it on, and I don't do drugs, so I can't claim I was high. I remember not being too wildly impressed, but OK, I'll be honest: if Tanner asked me to go to the moon, I'd do it. I will watch anything he wants to, even if it's not my kind of movie.

I have the same feelings about Vin Diesel acting as I do about the Rock acting. That is to say, they shouldn't be doing it. That, and sometime around Fast and Furious #4 (we skipped 3, because Tanner felt it didn't count), I realized something that made watching the movies totally worthwhile.

You can't unsee it.

Vin Diesel's head looks like a potato.

Just give it some eyes and a nose and voila! Vin Diesel.


If they ever make a live-action Mr. Potatohead movie, Vin Diesel would be perfect for the part. Maybe Mr. Potatohead could be a gangsta, even. That way, Vin Diesel would be able to do what he's best at: shoot at things onscreen.

I did end up watching the second Fast and Furious. I ended up watching all of them. Well, except the fifth one. I got about 10 minutes in, and then I fell asleep. It wasn't my fault, though. I was laying in bed in our hotel in California with Tanner next to me, it was late, we'd had a long day, so bam. Mr. Sandman punched me in the face, and I was out for the whole movie.

(I feel sort of bad for the blonde guy whose real name seems to be irrelevant. I've seen four of the five movies and I still can't remember his name. Well, I can't remember his name in the movie, one seems to do much talking or calling by actual names. Everyone knows Vin Diesel, and he's not even in all of the movies. Blonde guy is in at least 4 of the 5, and no one knows who he is. Well, no one except Fast and Furious fans).

I may not be overly impressed with some of the movies Tanner likes to watch (my dad is a notorious ratings snob. At our house, we would rarely go to see any movie that rated below 3 stars), but I like spending time with my husband more than I care about whether or not I love the movie he picks out. For a while I'd get in a huff when he'd want to watch some obscure movie that rated really poorly, but now I just like watching them with him because I like his reactions. I like it when he giggles at something dumb Adam Sandler says (Adam Sandler is also on my list of no-no actors), I like it when he gets really involved in the storyline (to the extent that he gets irritated if I crack a joke during the movie). I like just falling asleep watching movies with him.

So even though I might prefer the King's Speech to the Fast and the Furious (1, 2, 4, and 5), I'll still watch them if I get to spend time with my husband.

As for the falling asleep during movies thing? I don't feel too bad about it anymore. Tanner fell asleep during the King's Speech.

Which, really? Was so much better than all of the F&F combined.

Colin Firth Forever! 

& That's Elementary.

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