Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guess who's coming to dinner...In my IMAGINATION!

In case you haven't noticed, dear readers, I have a very active imagination. It has been said that writing is a bit like schizophrenia, and I think if you spend enough time with writers, you'll start to see why. I legitimately do have a list in my head of historical and fictional figures who I would either eat dinner with individually, invite them to a banquet, or both. Mostly, both.

So, here's my list.

1). Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is probably my number one in terms of hero worship. I wrote my college application essay on Atticus. I basically have his courtroom speech memorized. In terms of human rights, I think Atticus nailed it. I don't care about the critics that say he's racist, to me, Atticus epitomizes justice, fairness, equality, and GREAT PARENTING. If I can be a parent like Atticus, I consider my life a success. I'm actually having a hard time finding things to say about him, that's how much I love and respect Atticus. Dignified, educated, socially aware, ethical...he would add class to the banquet, but he would never in a million years be boring.

2). Oscar Wilde. Probably just because I've had a class on him all month, and I've grown ridiculously fond of him, but he's been on my mind a lot lately. Some girls have a sassy gay friend that they take everywhere with them. Oscar Wilde, in my head, would be my witty bisexual friend that I would take everywhere, because he would kick TRASH in any conversation. And, he'd be a good reference for interior decorating and clothes shopping, being an aesthete and all. But I care less about shopping and more about wit, that's just the kind of person I am. I think we'd have the sort of camaraderie where he'd mock my clothes and I'd mock his. And then we'd go get into trouble mocking other people.

3). Sherlock Holmes, both the modern and Victorian versions. I don't really care what role I played to Sherlock, whether I would end up as a Watson or as an Irene Adler, just the fact that I would get to hang out with him would make my life. As long as he didn't find me boring. I think I would die if Sherlock found me boring. Maybe I could be like his annoying little sister that follows him around and asks him how to teach her how to be awesome. He'd act contemptuous, but secretly, he'd be flattered.

4). Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly. I'd ask them for style and behavior advice, and then I'd beg for a makeover.

5). The Doctor. Doctor Who?
Exactly. No banquet would be complete without a TimeLord. Which incarnation, you ask? Matt Smith or David Tennant?
To which I say, yes.

6). Harry, Ron and Hermione. Because really, they're some of my best friends in my head. I could be like the d'Artagnan to their Three Musketeers. It would be perfect.

7). The entire cast of Downton Abbey.

8). Sarah Vowell and Abe Lincoln, in honor of her book Assassination Vacation, which is possibly my favorite piece of nonfiction.

9). Agatha Christie. Just to shake things up. She was slightly reclusive, but I would grill her about the formula for the perfect murder mystery novel.

10). Donald Duck. I just love it when he sputters, which is all of the time. Plus, I've always kind of had a soft spot for Donald since my first time at Disneyland as a kid of four. I was so thrilled to see him on our last day, and he gave me the biggest hug.

I liked being a kid.

11). Batman. Duh.

12). Alfred Hitchcock. How awesome would that be? Agatha Christie, Sherlock, Conan Doyle, and Hitchcock all conversing in one room? I'm getting shivers of joy just thinking about it. I would much...

This list can really go on. I can think of presidents, philosophers, actors (Meryl Streep), superheroes (Invite ALL of the Avengers!), historical figures (say what about MLK Jr, Winston Churchill), writers (Sylvia Plath, Jane Austen, Conan Doyle)...but if I wrote all of them down, plus extensive reasons, but this post would be 600 pages long and more like a thesis than an internet frippery.

And, it's officially the last day of school, so my brain is basically dead, and I feel lacking in wit. So, take it away, Oscar.

And now,

& That's Elementary.


  1. I know I'm not famous or amazing, but can I at least be a waiter at this dinner?

  2. Duh, Becca! This list is just of the people in my imagination! All my living friends are totally invited anyway.
