Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let's go to the MALL!

Hi, folks.

So, today I spent the  majority of the day in the mall with my mom, two of my aunts, and two of my cousins, plus my cousin's friend. I'm not particularly fond of the mall as a general rule. Something about  the electromagnetic influence from the fluorescent lights and the wiring, all the people, and the smell of capitalism at its finest.

That smell, I think, is something like a mix of the food court and the inside of Victoria's Secret.

Anyway, I ended up at the mall after going to the DMV to get my name changed on my license, because I done got married as you all know. We experienced a brief but totally fun (ha) few minutes waiting for my service number to get called, and then we were served by a really super cranky employee (is there any other variety at the DMV?) who told me that I needed not only everything else I had brought (SS Card, Birth Certificate, old drivers' license, and Marriage license) but TWO pieces of mail in MY name in order to prove that I live where I said I did. I did bring mail with my address on it, but because it was under Tanner's name it didn't work. Even though there is a marriage license, tangible proof that I am living with this man because I am MARRIED TO HIM.


Anyway, at the mall, at Forever Young Shoes, I found the modern-day equivalent of the "God and my Shoes," shoes. I would give, if I had any, for these shoes. They look a little bit like this:

Not so high, and the heel itself was black, but these are close. I'm not kidding, I love these things. I'm IN love with a pair of shoes. Not romantic love. Not like I love Tanner, but you know.

My mom pointed these shoes out to me right when I walked in the store, and I kind of laughed. They look sorta tacky on first glance, but ON, these babies are gorgeous.

They're like Dorothy shoes on steroids. They're like Jessica Rabbit shoes. I've never been much of a material girl (I HATE shopping, I usually get in, get out, no window shopping, no leisurely strolling. And, shopping makes me sick and nauseous). Some women have pairs upon pairs upon pairs upon pairs of shoes. Tanner thinks I have a ton, but really I don't have as many compared to some women. So me taking to a pair of shoes like that is...weird and unnatural.

I didn't end up buying them, because I'm a happy but poor married college student who currently doesn't have a job. But these are my dream shoes and if I had less sense I would have bought them. And now, enjoy How I Met Your Mother.

& That's Elementary.

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