Saturday, June 2, 2012

Reason no. 1 as to why my husband rocks.

Ok, Ok, I know it's cheesy, but with a title like the one I gifted my blog, you can't expect me NOT to put up some sappy posts now and then. But, I feel like I owe it to the internet community to tell you just why Tanner is so special. I'll start with one reason, shall I?

This is just one of the million and a half reasons why I love Tanner, but it's a pretty big one. PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder) runs in the family on my mom's side; basically, if you're a girl, you have a pretty good chance of turning into a raving lunatic once a month. It affects everyone differently; for my mom it was serious anger. For me, serious depression.

I'm currently on the pill (we can't afford to have kids for a while, and besides, it's fun just being together), and that's usually supposed to help with the symptoms of PMS and PMDD. But, for whatever reason, this last book of pills hasn't helped anything. Since about the beginning of May, I've been swinging up and down the mood spectrum like a yo-yo in a lift. One day, I'm perfectly happy, and the next I'm overly sensitive and crying and there isn't anything I can do to stop it. I'm like this awful, leaky, runaway express train of hormones.

It's been hard on Tanner. Heck, it'd be hard on any guy. A lesser man would either a) run for the hills or b) snap and start screaming back. But he's been a real champ about it. He's been patient and loving and (with the exception of a few days) he knows exactly what to do to take care of me. I really hate to impose on him with my craziness, and I am working to do what I can to decrease the Insane. I like being happy with him much better than me crying because of some unknown and irrational reason. And when I'm happy, he feels much happier too. And that's really all the motivation I need to try and be better: I want my husband to be happy. I want to make him happy.

I know full well that I am extremely lucky to have such a great guy as my eternal companion. Not just because he takes care of me when I feel like I should be in a mental institution getting electroshock therapy, but because when I'm happy, he and I can joke about both of our bad days.

I love him all the more for putting up with me. I realize how great and special that makes him, and I really can't express how grateful I am that he is so patient. He really is the best husband in the entire world, and my best friend. I have learned so much about being a better person from him just by watching him interact with other people. He's like who I want to be when I grow up: generous, kind, fearless, loving. That's not to say he's perfect; he isn't. Far from it. He has his bad days, too. He leaves socks all over the house (I picked one out of the recycling bin today) and sometimes he can be a real cranky bear.

His imperfections don't really matter to me, though; in fact, I think I love him more for being not perfect. I know I'm so far from it, that being married to someone perfect would probably cause death from insecurity and inadequacy. So we're two not-perfect people learning to live life together, and I have to say, being married to him is the greatest adventure I have ever been on. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not an Aston-Martin, not for Chris Hemsworth falling in love with me, not for as much money as the federal deficit now is (something around $13,000,000,000,000?)

Because Tanner is priceless to me. And boy, do I ever love him more than anything. Really.

& That's Elementary.

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