Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Love Letter to my Mom

Lots of people like to say they have the greatest mom; that their mom is the coolest mom. My mom blows them out of the water for this simple reason:

My mom knows me better than anyone else on the entire planet. She's the first person I turn to when I have problems I can't seem to solve, she's the one I ask stupid questions to, the one who reassures me when my OCD or my one-track mind gets the better of me. She knows probably a lot more about me and my life than she cares to, especially at those times when I freak out about something. 

My mom and I are a lot closer than some other mothers and daughters I know. Although you might not be wondering why, I'm going to tell you anyway. 

I am an only child, and I grew up in a neighborhood that was predominantly settled. Meaning older. There were a few kids my age, but most of them moved away before I was 12. I was also homeschooled until I was 12, so I ended up spending a lot of time with my mom. Even when I went to grade school and middle school, she was my only means of transport because I went to middle school at a charter school that was a good half-hour away from our house, out in the boondocks for us. So I talked to her all the way up to school, and all the way back. 

Because of all this time spent, my mom can read me like a book. Even when I don't necessarily want her to know something right away, she can usually tell that I don't want her to know something, so she asks until I tell her. She  has a knack for knowing when I'm upset, and she knew fully when I had got my first kiss the moment when I walked in the door, and she knew when I kissed Tanner for the first time.

You can also tell how awesome my mom is by how awesome her friends are. The ladies of her "group," her friends Tree and Elizabeth, her sisters, and her friend Lisa, are all such huge role models to me, and basically my secondary moms, and friends too. 

Sometimes, she drives me crazy, but I know that I driver her crazy too, so it's sixes. Mostly, Mom and I just have fun together. I hang out at their house while Tanner works on weekends and Mom and I take part in lots of fun activites. We bake, we watch Sherlock together, we talk to each other about everything.

My mom is a really, really special lady. Anybody who knows my mom knows that. She's brave and she is strong. She's amazing, and I really hope that when I am a mom, I can do half as well as she has. I want my mom to stick around always. She is the best mom in the whole wide world. I can't imagine anyone who would be a better mom for me. I love her so much.

& that's the elementary truth. 

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